"Sparks Fly for Magnemite", originally titled (with a few minor translations allowing for Engrish) the much-geekier "Do Magnemite Dream of Electric Mice?" aired for the first time that morning. In it, I was introduced to Ash, Brock, Misty, and the world of Pogeymans... and that's when the critical thinking started.
Magnemite don't make a lick of sense. How are these floating metal eyeballs a part of the same Taxalogical Domain (remember that in biology? Life>>Domain>>Kingdom>>Phylum (Zoology) or Division (Botany)>>Class>>Order>>Family>>Genus>>Species) as that fuzzy yellow rat that keeps saying it's name and shooting lightning everywhere?
I was a weird kid, I'll admit it.
So, after nearly a decade-und-haif of gaming, reading, and geekery, we have this website. Here I will attempt to make sense of these tiny, pixelated, imaginary creatures. I am not a biologist: I'm a librarian.
Here's to overthinking. Cheers.
-Professor Mack
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